webinars - 2023-08-30T144417.511


SPM... Of Course It's Strategic!

How to incorporate strategic portfolio management into your PMO

Live webinar with Deborah Yates & Stuart Easton

13 SEPTEMBER 2023 @ 8:00 AM PDT | 11:00 AM EDT | 4:00 PM BST 

PMOs are now venturing into the realm of strategic portfolio management (SPM). In this engaging session, we'll delve into the following topics:

  • How is SPM different from other types of portfolio management?
  • What value does SPM bring to the organization?
  • How do you help your organization determine the best ways to evolve to a strategic management PMO?

One systemic issue we'll discuss is using strategic alignment as a criteria for prioritization. It is very easy to say, “yes, it’s strategic” but part of governance is to ensure we know how it is aligned – up through initiatives, strategies, goals using actual measurements.

And what about projects that provide other value to the organisation that is not strategic? Exploring why value needs to be a major component of the prioritization process to build a rounded portfolio, Deborah will explain how to seamlessly integrate strategic portfolio management into your PMO!

If you can't make it to the live webinar, that's no problem - register anyway and we'll send you a recording of the session.

About the Speakers: 

Deborah Yates - Senior Director Strategic Portfolio, UNFI

Deborah has over 20 years standing up different types of PMOs across multiple industries. She started her PMO journey at Chevron, incorporating value realization and prioritization. Through multiple tech companies, she ended up overseeing the implementation of PMO at Walmart, the Fortune 1 company, where size alone made for interesting challenges.

Since then she has focused in the food retail and distribution sector, helping more immature organizations build and value the capabilities of portfolio management. She has a PhD and Masters in Information Science and a BSc Computer Science.

With host Stuart Easton - As co-founder & CEO of TransparentChoice, Stuart helps organizations align their projects and initiatives with strategic goals. He's also a speaker & blogger on the topics of portfolio management and decision-making.

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