Free Download: Comprehensive Guide to Project Prioritization Criteria

If you want to prioritize projects, you need criteria. Good criteria are, therefore, the foundation of good prioritization.

In this guide, you will learn:image-png-Jan-18-2022-06-24-12-70-PM

  • What criteria are for
  • What is a good / bad criterion
  • How to come up with YOUR criteria
  • How to organize criteria to deliver killer prioritization
  • How to build scales that work
  • How to turn your criteria into a powerful prioritization process

Also, get access to an extensive library with 80+ criteria categorized into: strategic alignment, organizational efficiency, sustainability, project risk, organizational risk, resilience, technology fit, financial factors.

Bonus: Exclusive Webinar by Roberto Camanho

Roberto Camanho

Complement your learning with an expert-led webinar. Roberto Camanho, a seasoned expert in project management, provides invaluable insights on:

  • The Importance of Criteria: Understand why criteria are critical in project prioritization.
  • Generating Effective Criteria: Learn how to create meaningful criteria, with practical examples.
  • Tools for Weighting Criteria: Discover the tools that can help in assigning weights to different criteria.

Roberto Camanho's research into project prioritization has won awards from academics and, as a consultant, Roberto has helped companies such as Suzano, Banco do Brazil, Petrobras, Whirlpool, McDonalds and various governments around the world improve the quality of their decisions.


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